While it is certainly possible to gain an edge when playing blackjack, most people do this by counting cards.
As you are probably aware, being able to beat blackjack by counting cards is a tricky thing to do. You need a good memory and a touch of luck on your side. Some players practice for years and still don’t master the skill.
With that in mind, can we show you how to win at blackjack online games, how to get the winning flow going without counting cards? Funnily enough, that is the core subject of this guide.
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Lesson One: The House Always Wins
Players must know where they stand directly from the start. The house always wins. This doesn’t mean that games are rigged so that you can’t win. What it means is that games are slighted to ensure that the house has an edge.
When all the bets from every player are accumulated together and weighed against the payouts to players, the house will be on top.
Even card counters can have trouble getting one over on the house if shuffling machines are used. Fortunately, you won’t need to worry about those. We’re going to look at the best way to win at blackjack without counting cards.
Winning at Blackjack Without Card Counting
Can you win at blackjack without counting cards? The simple answer is yes. Will you win all the time? Of course not. Winning without counting is possible at blackjack, but only if you use the few tips and tricks that we will show you.
You don’t need to focus on a card counting system. You can become a professional blackjack player without card counting. Instead, by incorporating basic blackjack strategy with our handy hints, you can dispense of tedious card counting methods and play with ease.
Ways to Get Around Counting Cards in Blackjack
The first thing we’re going to look at is a handful of popular methods to win at blackjack without counting cards. Many blackjack pros incorporate these skills into their gameplay, and you should, too. They include…
– Hole Carding: This skill mainly involves looking at the dealer’s exposed card and adjusting your strategy accordingly. Ordinarily, a dealer will be exceptionally good at hiding their hole card. However, they get sloppier over time and might reveal it. If so, you need to pounce to take full advantage of that. Once the dealer’s hole card is exposed, you can consult the basic strategy chart to figure out your best move.
– Front-Loading: Front-loading involves the dealer inadvertently exposing their hole card when dealing, either by pulling it out to carelessly, or by sliding it under another card. Like hole carding, this allows players to put together a strategy for their next move.
– Shuffle Tracking: This requires players to track specific cards, or sequences of cards through several shuffles. It is tricky to use this method because it requires you to guestimate where the 10s and face cards are, and when they will likely come out. However, if you know that face cards aplenty are in the shoe, it may be worth betting more.
– Ace Sequencing: Ace sequencing is another form of card tracking. This time, players need to remember several sequences in the shoe, most importantly, where the aces are. If they know when an ace is due, they can, in theory, gain as much as a 50% advantage on the house.
– Edge Sorting: Not all cards are perfect. In fact, some have imperfections. Phil Ivey (the famous poker player) figured this out and won $20 million with this technique. He identified defects on the edges or backs of cards, and this helped him remember what types of cards they were. It may work a treat for you, too.
Assemble a Squad: Counting as a Team
Just because you don’t know the methods of blackjack card counting, doesn’t mean that you cannot form a part of a team. The principle of card counting only needs to be known by a few members. By creating a team with a skilled card counter or two, you could still beat the house at blackjack.
To pull this offer, you’ll need four members.
– The Back-Spotter: A skilled card counter. He or she will identify when the count is ripe, and it is time for the player to make a move. This member gets their name because they don’t need to be seated to count cards.
– The Spotter: He will place small bets throughout the game until a favourable deck appears. At that point, he will inform the other two players, known as The Gorilla and the Big Player.
– The Gorilla: This is your job. You don’t need to count at all. Instead, you can act like a drunk player or a high roller. You will carry a large wad, which is expendable. Most of the attention will be on you, so play the part well.
– The Big Player: This is the real mastermind and will be counting cards the entire time while playing. Armed with a balance which rivals the Gorilla, it is just job to bring home the bacon when the time comes.
Casinos generally tend to keep a lookout for these groups. If this is the route you want to take to beat the house, make sure you all practice your roles well.
Is Any of the Above Going to Guarantee a Blackjack Win?
No. There are no tactics which guarantee wins. However, they will certainly help. As you will have noticed, most of the advice we’ve given you concerning how to win at blackjack without counting cards is tricky to use effectively.
It takes practice. However, if that doesn’t suit you, and you’re still asking, “can you win at blackjack without counting cards?”, we’re not done yet.
This is Where Basic Strategy Comes in…
To have an advantage in play against the dealer, basic strategy is arguably the most effective tactic you can use to win at blackjack without counting cards. Basic strategy is a series of instructions (expressed as charts). They tell you what moves to make when the dealer has a specific hand.
These can be download off the internet and studied at home. Mastering basic strategy isn’t just advisable as a means of avoiding counting cards; it can also be used to count cards and is necessary to use the other strategies we’ve mentioned above.
A Few Nifty Blackjack Tips and Tricks from the Pros
To win at blackjack without counting cards, you may wish to try a few of these tips. In fact, we’d start with these before betting with other strategies, categories and tips as mentioned above.
– Books: There are plenty of books which discuss how to beat blackjack without counting. These can be purchased online and are recommended reading for anybody who wants to learn a few tips from the pros.
– Disguise Your Blackjack Skills: If the pit bosses and dealers smell a rat, you’re done for. Never take basic strategy charts with you to the casinos and try not to communicate with those in your group. It is best to hide your skills as a blackjack player and save them for the killing blow. You’ll want your win to look like beginner’s luck.
– Join a Player’s Club: There are plenty of player’s clubs out there for you to join. These can help you become a better blackjack player. Such communities can see you learn and practice new tricks and tips, as well as learn from pros.
– Choosing Advantageous Games: Pick a game which features the best rules, the lowest house edges, etc. Don’t rush to the first blackjack table you see. Study a few blackjack variants and see which one offers you the most advantageous type of gameplay.
– Look for Weak Dealers: As mentioned earlier with hole carding and front-loading, dealers get sloppy over time. They won’t always have their wits about them. Scout around a casino to see if you can find a dealer with a weakness. Both new and old dealers tend to be the critical target for players seeking out dealer weaknesses.
– Forget Card Counting Online: If you do decide to take the plunge and count cards, know this: you cannot count cards online in RNG (random number generator) games. These games use automatic shuffles on every hand, and as they aren’t real cards (just digital numbers), you’ve got virtually no chance of counting cards online. You may have a bit of luck with live dealer games, but that’s about it.
Betting Systems Aren’t All They Are Cracking Up to Be
You may have heard that betting systems are ideal. Think again. While it is true that betting systems such as the Martingale can keep you from losing, too much, they have flaws.
Firstly, no counting and betting system guarantees wins. Secondly, all these systems require players to have sizeable balances. The idea behind them is that eventually (either by raising or reducing your stakes) you will break even.
However, if you go on lengthy losing spells, you won’t have enough funds to sustain you. They only work if you’re flush. When learning how to win at blackjack without counting cards, you needn’t put too much stock in betting systems.
Isn’t It Easier to Just Count Cards?
It seems counterproductive to the guide we are writing but being able to count cards is an advantage. Some of the methods we’ve discussed earlier will work even better if you practice card counting. Sometimes counting cards is easier than pulling off ace sequencing and shuffle tracking.
While there are plenty of ways for you to win at blackjack without counting, having a crack at it won’t hurt. After all, there are some more straightforward card counting techniques and strategies out there. We’d advise starting with them if you really want to learn.
FAQ about Winning at Blackjack without Counting Cards
So, You’ve Got an Ace up Your Sleeve, Let’s Play
Provided you have read up on the strategies and tips we’ve mentioned, or you have studied the easiest card counting system, you’re good to go. You should now know how to win at blackjack without counting cards.
At the very least, you should have an idea about how to win at 21 without playing a counting game. If you’re ready to put what you’ve learned into practice, pop along to one of our recommended casinos to get started.